Why did you learn to play a guitar? Why did you learn to sketch? Why, when you fell down and injured yourself many times while learning to ride a bicycle, you got up and tried it again?

Because learning is fun! Even if you never actively thought about this before, you did what you did because you had fun doing it. Well, in that case, why do schools and colleges bore most of us? Why do simple science and maths lessons make us want to run away and just play a guitar or ride a bicycle again or watch a movie or just goof around?

Ask yourself this! Are you bored of the Science lesson? Or are you just bored with how you are taught? Well, here is a thought about science that you will never hear in your school. Remember how in the most basic form, everything is just an atom. Everything can be broken down into compounds, elements and finally atoms. But if atoms, on their outer shells, have electrons with negative charges, how are we able to touch things? Why do we not just repel them?

A molecular bond! Tenth grade science! Did we just find the answer? Wait! Do electrons really touch each other? What is that bond? Is it not just some kind of attractive (or repulsive?) force that keeps the atoms together? Because, no two electrons ever have the same orbit on which they move around the nucleus. Well, if this is the case, the next time you want to touch the hand of the girl (or perhaps, a boy?) you like, tell her that you are not actually ‘touching’ her but simply ‘bonding’ with her.

Before you go, a high five if you had fun thinking about these! And make learning fun. Teach yourself not how your teachers teach you but however way you want to. Teachers only teach you how they leant it but why should that be how you learn it too? Just ask yourself what you want to learn today. Then just go explore. It’s not ‘have fun while learning but learn while having fun’.